Flavor Profile
Attributes (1-7)
Flavors (1-4)
Kona Extra Fancy, grown on the Big Island of Hawaii, is the highest grade of Kona Coffee available. Kona Coffee is sorted by size, using various screen sizes. Kona Extra Fancy is sorted with a screen size of 19, yielding a larger bean. Such beans take longer to develop, allowing them to absorb more nutrients from the tree. This yields a bold, complex, well-rounded cup of coffee.
Kona Hills Coffee Company is located on the slopes of Mauna Loa, where the soil is rich in the Mauka Honaunau district of Hawaii. At an altitude of about 2,000 feet, all coffee trees are 100-year-old trees. Their mission is to provide customers with an unforgettable Kona Coffee taste made the old-fashioned way. Their shade grown environment grows the largest beans, producing a smooth, bold, rich flavor and an aroma that is unforgettable
Cupping Notes: Fruit / Floral / Nuts / Milk Chocolate / Caramel / Slightly Sweet.
Try before you stock up with a 1/2 pound sample!