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Peruvian Coffee Beans

If you are searching for Organic certified and Fair Trade certified green coffee beans, look no further. All of our Peruvian coffee are certified in both of those areas and make a full-bodied, medium roast, rich cup of coffee.

Our Peruvian green coffee beans are grown in Cajamarca, in the provinces of Jaen and San Ignacio. With its high altitudes, fertile soil and semi-dry climate, the Cajamarca area is perfect for growing high quality coffee beans. In fact, this is what the area is known for. The beans are harvested from June to November, during the dry season, so that the coffee beans are able to dry properly and retain their rich flavor.

Two of the roasts that we offer are the Peru Organic Decaf Royal Select MWP FTO and the Peru Organic Mercedes Carranza Montenegro FTO. This decaf blend boasts a lovely aroma, accompanied by spicy notes of chocolate, orange and a creamy body.

The Peru Organic Mercedes Carranza Montenegro FTO contains bright tones of chocolate, nuttiness and fruit. These delightful flavors are completed by the medium body and pleasant aroma that is sure to make you want more.

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Rainforest Alliance Certified

7.25 - 8.95

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