November 13, 2022
Excellent product at a great price. I will be buying more in the future.
August 20, 2022
This is a crowd pleaser. Not only do I like this, but everyone that I have shared this with does. One of my favorites.
April 29, 2022
I tackled this one a little prematurely. I was not ready to roast a bean like this at the time, and really couldn't strike any of the benchmarks I was trying to hit.
Then I got a much more experienced pro to help me dial it in.
We dialed in a lighter-end full city roast, basically shutting down at the first sound of 2c. We spread the development out by slowing the ROR right after 1c (@ 6:45 +/-) to about 4-5 degrees per minute until we hit about 418-420. Then we'd increased the curve gradually to get to 428 degrees +/- 2 degrees over the next 60 seconds where 2c would make it's first sound.
At this point, you can take a relatively modest coffee bean and really get some cool cupping notes from it.
The stand out of this coffee is that creamy body, at just about any level you roast it to. But one note that i would add to the CBC description is pecan-like nuttiness, which is absolutely delightful.
Unfortunately, this one didn't sell as well as I would have liked, but I really really enjoyed this this coffee. Probably wouldn't make a daily drinker out of anyone, but its a fun and unique origin to play with.
Would blend really well with a Mexican Chiapas or something like the Papua New Guinea Purosa to get some of that sweetness without detracting from the creamy body and really nice nuttiness.
clark walding
December 3, 2021
I use this as a major component of an espresso blend using monsooned malabar, Peru, Ethiopian taye gedo and ethiopian yergecheffe. This is a great blend as it provides great taste outside of traditional espresso blends. Not a chocolatey base but not overly acidic either. Probably an acquired taste, but with the Peruvian beans in there it is always rewarding. Your mileage may vary.
Richard's Roast
October 28, 2021
Tried this from City all the way to 2nd crack (⁕bucks) burnt and can't make up my mind. Other than I don't like burnt, this offers wonderful flavors at any roast. I don't know coffee adjectives but this is in my top ten. The flavor changes and compliments each roast. I find most beans do not do this, they have one best roast and that's it, not sure why this has so many. Probably good for first time roasters as it is hard to go wrong.
October 7, 2021
so good when blended with an asian coffee with a more earthy flavor
August 11, 2020
Great roasting bean with prominent first and second crack. These beans are large so if using an SR500 (or similar) be aware. I roasted just into second crack for a good 5-7 seconds, bagged, waited, and was wowed by the flavor. Can't wait to run out so I can order MORE.
August 1, 2020
It has an ashy taste up front at full city roast, with lingering aftertaste that’s unpleasant.
June 9, 2020
The tobacco nose on this bean at City + roast is amazing. Smells like a fine cigar. As an avid homebrewer , the descriptions of IPA and Porter caught my attention and I'm experimenting...wish me luck.
May 29, 2020
This was my first try at roasting and I used my toaster oven on the front porch. It turned out great and the taste was awesome! I haven’t tried the other two yet.
Philip B. Macdonald
April 26, 2020
Perfectly packaged! Fast Delivery! Delicious!