May 25, 2024
HHT are excellent coffee beans. The amount of cracked, chipped, or other problems with the beans is minimum. We bought a five pound bag and the yield was outstanding. This is definitely our store for Guatemala coffee. Our next order will be at least ten pounds. Coffee Bean Corral provides excellent coffee beans at an excellent value.
David C.
May 3, 2024
It's May of 2024 as I write this.
During the month of April, I started up a conversation with my coworkers about Central and South American coffees.
I realized that I had never tried Guatemalan coffee.
It is absolutely fabulous!
The way I would sum up the flavors is that it tastes a lot like Columbian Medellin, but brighter and just a touch sweeter.
What a delight!
les deavers
February 29, 2024
I am a new customer to CBC, but my first order arrived quickly and in excellent condition.. While I have not had an opportunity to roast these beans yet, they look amazing!
January 27, 2024
I discovered it when I visited Guatemala, people there refer it as “cafe de Huehue”… I’m very satisfied with this coffee, nice sweet flavor!
William Ireland
January 17, 2024
Just started on this coffee this week and wow! This coffee is in my top 5 favorites. I hope they have plenty in stock because I want to order more when this 5 lb bag gets low.
Love it
January 7, 2024
December 24, 2023
Friends, family and customers rate this coffee 👍👍👍
November 21, 2023
I have been ordering various Guatemalan coffees from Coffee Bean Coral for several years. I had a request from s customer for an organic and ordered this bean. I was so impressed with the fullness of flavor in this coffee. I am roasting it to a medium roast and it is now a new favorite.
September 4, 2023
I have roasted this several time now. Not pleased with the widely variable bean size. It roasts up very inconsistently. Taste isn’t bad.
June 23, 2023
LOVE this single origin coffee for my home roasting! I roast in a whirly pop for about 22 mins on medium/low heat over the stovetop. Makes a great pour over cup and espresso.
Linda L
May 20, 2023
Very tasty. Would order again!
April 7, 2023
Rich, smooth, great as a medium roast! One of my favorites! It does have a lot of chaffe, but not a huge deal. The smell is incredible!
Bill N
December 18, 2022
What a great coffee. It has all the flavor, body, fruitiness and taste you could ask for. A minute past a full first crack and all the flavor is retained. Very enjoyable. It has lots of chaff you need to blow out while grinding but it is worth it. XLNT.
May 19, 2022
Brad Hart
May 6, 2022
The chocolate flavors shine right through this bean. Tastes best with a smidgen of sugar. A good beginner roasting bean.
May 1, 2022
Delicious Huehuetengo. I tried raw coffee beans from somewhere else, but it was bland.
Coffee Bean Corral is my new source.
March 18, 2022
These have turned out a great cup of coffee. Some how I got the home roasting bug. My brother in law us aging some green coffee beans in a white oak barrel he has aged rum in. The local coffee roaster ( my long time friend) stated they weren't sure if they wanted to roast his beans in their roaster because of the extra sugars they may have so I started looking into home roasting. After the 3rd batch in a recommended air popper these are awesome.
December 13, 2021
This is an exceptional bean, I roasted it for the first time yesterday and sampled it immediately as it's going to a potential customer. Even with no rest, it has a fantastic aroma and flavor. We took it into the first 20 seconds of first crack, and it did not disappoint. We will definitely be ordering much larger bags than the 10 pounds we originally purchased!
August 23, 2021
This is an exceptional coffee. Everyone’s taste is different though. I tend to like Central and South American beans and roast to beginning of second crack. I’ve tried several other CBC beans from these regions and nothing else has stood out to me yet.
Keith P
August 5, 2021
Very good overall. Easy to roast with skillet method. Better than expected!! Bean size did vary a little but all were good beans. Even roasting.
May 13, 2021
Love it!!! I am impressed because I really enjoy it ..even black 👍
March 21, 2021
This is a once-in-a-long-time coffee. I bought nine half-pound coffee samples, roasted them all, and tasted number one through seven. Seven was this coffee, and as soon as I finished the cup I ordered 35 pounds. I didn’t even need to taste numbers eight and nine because seven was sooo good!
Roger Sturdy
March 7, 2021
Full-bodied, excellent taste from the instant it touches the tongue; chew it and the flavor expands from terrific to exceptional.
February 8, 2021
After roasting this Guatemala HHT to Vienna, this bean was delicious after 24hrs. Am now making it my daily go to.
Scott W.
January 27, 2021
I am new to roasting green coffee beans. I am so glad I choose these as my first beans to roast. They are delectable. I can only image I will get better at roasting and the coffee will become even more enjoyable.
January 9, 2021
As an espresso: 4 days after roasting I hated it, 5 days after it was ok, 6th day and beyond - amazing. On day 5 off Roast it was missing sweetness and I was disappointed but that came forth on day 6. It lacks a gritty texture that I love from Santa Cristina Brazil, but on the other hand it is very smooth and more of a refined texture that is also quite nice. Looking forward to buying 25lbs now!
Jack Hinkle
November 28, 2020
Guatamala growers produce our favorite beans, we like them all, but HHT is our favorite. I roast 2 small batches each time, one city and one full city, let them rest for a day and then blend them together. This gives us the best of both and a flavor to savor.