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Timor Organic Cafe Timor Coop East Timor


Flavor Profile

Cupping Notes
Cranberry, melon, apple, caramel, milk chocolate

Attributes (1-7)

Flavors (1-4)


  • CategoryOrganic
  • CountryIndonesia
  • Local RegionEast Timor
  • ProcessWashed
  • VarietyBourbon, Timor Hybrid
  • Altitude (meters)1,300 - 1,500 masl
  • HarvestJune - September
  • Organic CertificationYes
  • Fair Trade CertifiedNo
  • Rainforest Alliance CertifiedNo
  • DecaffeinatedNo
Starting at $8.40 / lb
Timor: Organic Cafe Timor Coop, East Timor is out of stock.

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raw green bean Green coffee is raw Roast prior to consumption

On the tiny island of Timor, over seven thousand small farmers work to provide Organic Timor Fair-Trade Coffee. The island is split in two, with Indonesia claiming the west side and East Timor, a small independent nation, inhabiting the rest. Gourmet coffee from Timor is unique because virtually all of the farmers grow organic coffee. However, since the coffee is grown on small farms, the farmers have banded together into 16 cooperatives and 494 small-scale farmer groups to improve their production capacity. This way, they can work together to operate the mills necessary to wet-process the small, greenish-yellow coffee beans they produce.

Cupping Notes: Cranberry, melon, apple, caramel, milk chocolate

Try before you stock up with a 1/2 pound sample!

Customer Reviews

Average Rating
August 27, 2024

I ordered the Indonesian sampler pack as my first green beans to give this a try, and this one stood out from all the rest. I didn't really know what I was doing yet when I tried this either but it got me hooked on home roasting.

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July 16, 2024

Oh my god are these beans were awesome. If you weren’t out of stock, I would buy even more so I have stock. Yum yum yum. Very smooth flavor, wife and I roasted the first batch to a light/medium which was awesome then we roasted even more a dark roast which was great too. Hope you get a lot more very soon.

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June 23, 2024

Phenomenal flavor! I bought 10 various 1/2 bags of beans throughout several months and this one takes the cake by a long shot. I purchased a 10 lb sack and roasted small batches weekly along with some bigger batches to share with family and friends, everyone who's only bought grocery grounds or starbucks/duncan has enjoyed it throughly. However, now after 3.5 months of keeping it in it's burlap sack up in my cupboard, my last 2 lbs are a struggle to enjoy... did I burn myself out on it? Did the beans over oxidize and loose their little yummy morsel souls? I'm going to finish these last 2 lbs off and try either ordering small quantity in the future or find a more proper way to store my raw coffee beans. 🤷🏼‍♂️

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I'm glad you enjoyed Org Cafe Timor! There are several possible reasons your last few roasts weren't up to par as you describe. For future reference, we recommend long-term storage in a plastic container/bag, in a cool dry place, and protected from sunlight for best results.
Coffee Bean Corral June 23, 2024
March 5, 2024

Best of the beans i have ordered from CBC. Last batch was 1/3 dark roast and 2/3 medium, the flavors were incredible. Peaked on day 5. Ground as espresso in lattés, for the most part.

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December 11, 2023

We like this roasted right into second crack. Great flavor.

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November 10, 2023

Best coffee I have ever had

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October 30, 2023

Roasted Timor just past first crack to keep a light roast. I ground the beans really fine for espresso! The taste was absolutely amazing either for a straight shot or as a latte. It has no bitterness and plenty of sweet tasting notes.

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September 17, 2023

I've been roasting coffee for over 25 years from all over the world, including from places that are purported to have the best coffee in the world. This Timor coffee from Coffee Bean Corral is simply the best coffee that I have ever had. I roast this coffee for friends and family from around the US and they all agree.

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July 5, 2023

Great bean in any roast. One of my staples both single origin and blended.

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April 29, 2023

My first time trying to roast coffee. These beans were perfect! I like a dark roast but stopped at a medium. The flavor was amazing! I'm definitely ordering more!

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March 23, 2023

Roasted to City Plus its a nice tasting drink.A simple and smooth coffee that pleases.

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January 21, 2023

This is the second coffee I've roasted myself, and I've always liked the flavor notes of Indonesian coffee, so I decided to try the Timor. I roasted 10 oz of it at 220 Celsius for about twenty-five minutes in my roaster. This gave me a medium roast between American and City. I let it cure for a week before I ground some and tried it. It was AMAZING. Just like the cupping notes suggested, it is spicy and earthy—with little to no acidity and a syrupy finish with dark chocolate notes and spice. CBC, this is a fantastic coffee that I plan to buy again. My initial buy was a three-pound bag, and I'm still messing with different roasts to see what kind of flavors I can coax out of it. I hope it sticks around because I foresee it becoming a staple in my pantry.

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December 21, 2022

This is my secret weapon in roasting. I like a darker roast the this can get as dark as I want. It’s great alone and terrific with Guatemalan beans. One thing, other Indonesian beans mixed with this as a blend do nothing for the Timor. Maybe make the other better but overall less tastes.

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October 27, 2022

The first time I tried coffee from Timor was in the late 90s. A small town coffee shop with a small batch roaster was taking coffee drinking to the next level. The shop was about 12 feet wide,25 feet long from front to back; and it's walls were lined with bags of coffee from all over the world. Timor was the coffee that stood out to me as the most flavorful over all the others. It suddenly became unavailable and I am not sure why. I think the crop might have been wiped out by a natural disaster? I am many years later with my small roaster AND the ability to buy Timor coffee from CBC. I roast it to a light medium and pour 200 F water through my Chemxex beaker. It has a dopaminergic effect. : ) I am grateful for being able to buy it from CBC and pray it never goes away. Thank you CBC

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September 11, 2022

I run a small batch roaster business and this variety has really taken off as a favorite. Roasting to a medium to dark was very pleasing. The beans have a full flavor and still stay away from any hint of bitterness on the finish. Makes a very fine cup of coffee.

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July 27, 2022

Came as part of my gift bag when I purchased my Gene Cafe. Roasted it to a darker roast to please the spouse who has been questioning my purchase. She is happy now. Beans looked, and roasted, ugly and part of charm of the GC is the ability to watch the beans roast. The color smoothed out at the end. I noticed the sweetness at the finish and found it to pair well with M&M's. Yeah, my sophistication nows no bounds.

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June 17, 2022

Small beans, very hard to roast. Could not coax the flavor out despite several attempts.

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June 14, 2022

Rich, flavorful beans. Roasted just to first crack and it turned out great!

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May 21, 2022

I tried a sample of Timor. This went to a 25 lb bag. Then to a 50. I shared this with not only my family, but my colleagues. The coffee did not last as it should have. Amazing what happens when you introduce someone to fresh coffee. I have ordered several other beans as well. This leads to additional blending using the Timor. I would certainly recommend this to any roaster. Commercial or home. This one is also a good one to blend to fit the flavor notes you might want to add. If I was in the fence whether or not to get some. I would recommend at least a few pounds to try to bring your roast to the flavor you like.

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March 10, 2022

My husband is the coffee drinker so I bought this for him. He loves lots of flavor and he says this one is his favorite now.

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February 3, 2022

Roasted to medium and pushed toward the start of second crack, cooled quickly. Really like the balance and richness along with how smooth. Distinctly earthy, with slight fruity and even dark chocolate notes. Great black coffee for casual drinking or paired with a pastry.

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January 29, 2022

We are using this bean as our seasonal dark roast offering. It roasts beautifully with notes of Chocolate and a slight sweet finish. We are using a profile where we take it just into second crack on our Diedrich IR-5. We did test this out as a medium roast as well, but you could tell something was missing. By taking it more to the dark side we have a lovely sheen and it developed a full mouthfeel and the richness we were hoping for. Our customers are really enjoying it so we just ordered more!

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January 23, 2022

Delightful flavor roasted just to the darker side of medium. The chocolate flavor, reminiscent of Ghirardelli, is subtle but definitely there and becomes more prominent during the week after roasting. Like Papua New Guinea and Indonesian coffees, this one has a "denser" feel in the mouth which adds to the experience.

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November 1, 2021

This coffee bean roasts up so fast and smooth. It’s my favorite in the morning with warm toast.

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October 8, 2021

This a good coffee I generally mix it with something like Ethiopian or Vietnamese. Overall very good.

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July 29, 2021

I favor "island coffees" but most are way beyond my budget. I'm fortunate to have discovered East Timor Maubesse 15 years ago. As Timor-Leste, it became the first new sovereign state of the 21st century on 20 May 2002, after a brutal war with the Indonesians, and joined the United Nations. First it was hard to find, and there were times of the year when it was not available. The coffee has gotten much better, and reliable since independence, especially in the past decade. I roast it in two batches -- about 1/3 is a full city roast and 2/3rds medium. Maybe because of the earlier issues I buy larger amounts -- about 50 pounds a year from the Coffee Bean Corral. On top of great coffee I hope that it helps the farm economy of Timor-Leste

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June 3, 2021

Tell me how to roast this BEAN

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May 12, 2021

I love this bean for espresso blending. Even a small amount can push a blend in an interesting, spicy direction.

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April 2, 2021

Nice. I accidentally wound up roasting this darker than intended (don't ask) but it tastes good. In fact it probably benefits from a dark but not too dark roast. I take cream in my coffee and that might be relevant.

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March 23, 2021

Roasted evenly and gave me one of my richest brews yet. I'll be back for more.

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February 10, 2021

The best bean I've tried so far in my three years of home roasting!

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February 10, 2021

Absolutely delicious, especially when I make a 50/50 blend of medium and full dark roast! Despite what my wife says, I'm going to go through 10 pounds real fast, it's that good!

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August 19, 2020

I'm obsessed with this bean right now! Love the full flavor, smooth, bold finish. Reminds me of a Papua New Guinea without the intensity on the palate. Great earthy, peppery flavors and then that chocolate pops in at the end, especially in the blend I currently have it in! So good!

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March 13, 2020

One of my best initial roasts. I am new to the game and found this to be a great bean and the profile I roasted don pretty much pulled out most of the flavors it says in the description. I roasted in my hottop and took it about 2 minutes beyond first crack to a temp of 390 before kicking it out to cool. I allowed it to rest for about 48 hours before brewing it. It outgassed for 24 hours before I closed my vented bag. Cannot wait to see the flavor developed in letting it rest about a week before next brew.

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