All posts tagged 'Coffee Industry'

The Christmas in July Sale is On! 20% off These 20 Coffees. Ends 7/28

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CBC Guide: Ethiopia Coffee

CBC Guide: Ethiopia Coffee

Ethiopia is the birthplace of coffee, which makes sense since its climate for growing coffee and the coffee it produces are pure perfection. Some even say that the original Ethiopian name for coffee, “Kaffa bunn,” was anglicized into the word we know today, “coffee.”...

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The Coffee Industry and COVID-19

The Coffee Industry and COVID-19

And like everything, the coffee industry is not immune to this change either, and perhaps, even more so due to its unique and intimate relationship between coffee farmers, suppliers, roasting houses, cafes, and coffee drinkers. We wanted to go beyond our limited horizon of understanding and reach out to gauge how the rest of the industry is reacting and responding to one of the most important issues in our lifetime....

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Kopi Luwak - The World's Most Expensive Coffee Beans

Kopi Luwak - The World's Most Expensive Coffee Beans

This coffee is from Indonesia and is processed by wild Asian Palm Civets. They find the ripest and freshest coffee cherries and through the magic of their digestive enzymes, they break down the beans. Once they've "deposited" the beans, the beans are collected, washed thoroughly, and processed....

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Indian Coffee

Indian Coffee

Coffee in India began when an Indian saint, Baba Budan, smuggled coffee seeds out of Yemen and planted them in South-Central India. Since then, India has become renowned for its quality and strict standards to only export the best beans. All Indian coffee is shade-grown, under natural forest trees like Teak, Rosewood, Silver Oak and Jackfruit....

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Try Our Latest La Minita Coffee

Try Our Latest La Minita Coffee

This week we're visiting Hacienda La Minita located in the gorgeous backdrop of the Tarrazu region in Central Costa Rica! It's the peak of harvest season, so we'll be cupping the new crop that will hit our warehouse later this Spring!...

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Java Coffee isn't just Coffee, It's an Island too

Java Coffee isn't just Coffee, It's an Island too

Dutch traders brought coffee to Southeast Asia in the 17th century, including - you guessed it - the Indonesian island of Java. When these delicious beans started circulating all over the world, the word "Java" became synonymous with coffee....

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