Across the world, women work hard outside, creating the backbone of all agricultural production. Des...
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Nowadays, when you walk into a local coffee shop, you're greeted by the swirling aroma of freshly br...
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Haiti is a land like no other in the world; once a pirate haven, the country formed as a French colo...
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Honduras is the largest coffee producer in Central America and the 6th largest producer in Latin Ame...
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For the coffee connoisseur, Peruvian coffee is a must-have. With some of the most experienced coffee...
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Hawaiian coffee, the only coffee grown in America, makes up 0.03% of the world’s coffee, but w...
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Jamaican coffee is one of the world’s greatest wonders. Introduced to Jamaica in 1728, Jamaica...
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As the third-largest producer of coffee, Colombia is renowned for the coffee beans it prod...
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September 21, 2020
Growing Regions
Over the last few centuries, Mexico has become one of the largest coffee-producing countries in the ...
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