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Sumatran Coffee

How to Make Espresso at Home

How to Make Espresso at Home

People are often intimidated by the thought of making an espresso at home – immediately a barrage of self-doubt fueled paranoia forms and you may be whispering to yourself that “I’m not a barista” or “don’t I need an espresso machine?”. Fear not, a shot of espresso can be made at home, without requiring a trip to the local coffee café, saving you both money (in the long run) and honing your coffee-making skills....

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Java Coffee isn't just Coffee, It's an Island too

Java Coffee isn't just Coffee, It's an Island too

Dutch traders brought coffee to Southeast Asia in the 17th century, including - you guessed it - the Indonesian island of Java. When these delicious beans started circulating all over the world, the word "Java" became synonymous with coffee....

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