Coffee in the Congo is primarily grown in the Kivu region. Within this region, there are three provinces: Maniema, Sud-Kivu (South Kivu), and Nord-Kivu (North Kivu).
The Kivu region also contains the Kahuzi-Biega National Park, a section of Maiko National Park, and the Ruwenzori Mountains. These unique landscapes—including volcanoes, lakes, and massive elevation (4600 – 6550 feet)—create the perfect environment for something special....
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Jamaican coffee is one of the world’s greatest wonders. Introduced to Jamaica in 1728, Jamaica...
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As the third-largest producer of coffee, Colombia is renowned for the coffee beans it prod...
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Simply put a coffee blend is a combination of two different single-origin coffee beans. The explicit purpose of which is to create a new and unique combination out of two different coffee bean's respective flavors to create a delicious cup of specialty coffee....
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Coffee in India began when an Indian saint, Baba Budan, smuggled coffee seeds out of Yemen and planted them in South-Central India. Since then, India has become renowned for its quality and strict standards to only export the best beans. All Indian coffee is shade-grown, under natural forest trees like Teak, Rosewood, Silver Oak and Jackfruit....
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