Robert E Marsh
January 1, 2024
This was absolutely delicious! Very smooth and complex flavor. Roasted on an open hardwood fire and everyone who drank it with me loved it
Taylor Barone
December 9, 2023
This is one of our most favorite beans, it’s awesome! Everyone of my friends and family ask me to roast more and more of it for them. The sweetness and tang are decadent! This is my go to number #1. We will continue to order to order more because it’s so good!
September 15, 2023
As a home roaster like everyone I'm always looking for the magic bean. There are many magic beans but the La Laja Honey is at the top of the list for me!
July 24, 2023
We were very pleasantly surprised! With a good dark roast, this gives a good bold, smooth, excellent flavored, cup of coffee! Definitely one of our favorites!
Benjamin Rothman
June 2, 2023
Tried this on a whim and fell in love with it. Floral and light on the tongue with just a hint of chocolate this is a great coffee to sip and enjoy. I may have a new favorite.
Roy R.
April 19, 2023
I generally like Indonesian coffee, and in particular coffee from Bali or Papua New Guinea. I ordered this because it was on sale and it will definitely remain in my lineup. I believe all the reviews referring to roasting, dark and oily are spot on. The coffee roast consistently, and presents a sufficient creams. It was very pleasant as an espresso and still holds it on in milk mesh drinks.
Dean Hunt
April 7, 2023
Great coffee, roasted medium, very smooth!
April 3, 2023
A crowd pleaser. Sweet with hints of coco
Jordan Backstrom
March 9, 2023
Cupping notes are spot on. It's exceedingly drinkable.
Joshua Gilmore
February 10, 2023
December 29, 2022
It's a fantastic coffee. It's our second favorite out of all of the coffees we have tried, and we have tried a lot. It's smooth with a great flavor and one we plan on keeping on hand.
Gerry P
December 18, 2022
Progresses very quickly from first crack to over roasted compared to the other Mexicans I've tried so be careful roasting this one.
James Sommese
December 12, 2022
This is our favorite everyday morning coffee. Makes a great cup in our drip, Moka pot French press or the aeropress.
November 28, 2022
We are huge fans of Mexican coffee strains (varieties? types?) like the chiapas' and Oaxaca (oh-ah-hawk-ah) but this one so far has been one of my favorites. Incredibly smooth, sweet and chocolatey when we take it just into second cracks (10-20 seconds) on our genecafe. We use it as our daily pour over in the morning, and it gives me something to look forward to when going to work. Is that bad?
September 11, 2022
Love this coffee. Bought a sample package just to try but, I am amazed. Roasted these beans to medium and man oh man is this coffee nicely sweet, chocolatey, and thicc with body.
Taylor Barone
May 28, 2022
This coffee is awesome, light to medium roast is so flavorful, one of the most smoothest coffees I’ve drank, excellent customer service.
David Sargent
May 15, 2022
This easily makes top 5 for me right now. It's so good at various roast levels. It delivers excellent body and a nice spiced character at a balanced medium, but in a lighter roast, sweet, honey notes are introduced to contrast that back-end spice. It's pretty great stuff.
Chadwick Whitstine
April 26, 2022
This is a wonderful coffee. And u really really love the service here at CBC
Don Pablo
April 22, 2022
A fantastic coffee! Roasted to a medium-dark. Since I am a citrus and sugarcane grower Im always on the hunt for a coffee that contains mild notes of orange and/or sugarcane. This coffee filled the need. Flavor profile on the website was on point.
April 15, 2022
Roasts up great, has a very bright sweet flavor
April 8, 2022
This was a big time performer. Roasting between light and medium and giving it a full week to rest yielded such a pleasant cup. Will be buying more.
March 30, 2022
This La Laja bean surprised me. I did not expect it to perform as well as the higher priced beans from Central America. I am new to roasting in the past four months using a small Gene Cafe. This bean handles very well in the roaster with a nice medium roast finish taking off right after first crack. Love the aroma along with the chocolate, nutty taste.
Allan Kremer
February 24, 2022
I purchased 10lbs of this La Laja Honey and have roasted at several different levels each brewing at variable grinds in the Chemex, French Press, Breville espresso, Mocha pot, and cold brew.. non of them are my favorite. It’s not a bad bean by any means, but I’m not in love with it. It contains excellent aroma, but didn’t contain the fruity/sweetness flavor that I was hoping to pull out of it; it just tasted like a regular bean from its local region.
December 25, 2021
This bean has become a family and friend pleaser, blending well with many Cen. American beans that complement a medium roast with chocolate highlights (brilliantly pairs with Brazilians and Nicaraguans). It tastes just as magical as the roasting aroma! 40 minutes at 425 is the sweet spot for me.
Dylan Manning
December 18, 2021
Pleasantly surprised with this bean. Lightly roasted, Mostly through 1st Crack. Had a light chocolatey + nutty after taste, smooth drinking.
With this price point it will go on my list of regulars.
October 15, 2021
I am very new to roasting. This was By far my favorite of the 5 coffee samples I started out with. Roasted to medium-dark. Delicate and creamy. Definitely buttery with slight floral notes. Complex flavor that’s hard to pin down and so outstanding. So incredibly satisfying! It was also my favorite to roast. Very clean and the Beans are uniform with a velvety appearance when roasted. Very easy to achieve an even and balanced roast. Will definitely be a staple in our pantry!!!
August 11, 2021
Was searching for a new go-to bean. Prefer the honey processed varieties. Tried the Honduran, Dominican, and this Mexico bean. The price point of this bean kept it in the race, but was just a bit sharper and not as smooth as the other two. Still a great bean, and could have been my go-to pick if I hadn’t tried to compare it to the others. Great bean to roast…good profile. It’s a good bean!
William Campbell
July 28, 2021
By William July 28, 2021 I roast it DARK makes best cold brew. My family did a blind taste dark won over all roasts.
May 13, 2021
We always roast just past first crack, this bean is absolutely beautiful, and the chaff just flies off of it, remarkably easy to remove. Of all the ones we've tried so far, this one was definitely in the top five.
Bub's Daddy
May 9, 2021
I roast it dark/oily and then some. Seems somewhat complex, hard to tie down, smooth, chocolatey, holds it's character till the last cup. A winner. Don't forget the folks at CBC making this all possible.
Dave Ross
February 25, 2021
This is the first honey processed coffee I've ever had, and so far quite please.
To my surprise, and this is my favorite part, is in the first stages of the roast, while the beans are golden just before darkening, they smell must sweeter than any other bean I've roasted. Kind of like Honey Graham crackers. I'm a dark roast kind of guy, but I have to go with a blonde or slightly darker than blonde roast with this bean.
Lance W.
January 5, 2021
This is the smoothest coffee I have ever had, the honey process really makes a robust but sweet taste unlike any other. It is very uniform in taste independent of the roast. A dark roast isn't the least bit bitter. Definitely my new favorite.
Nathan Bolton
December 23, 2020
Tried a lot of varieties this is one of my all time favorites. Kinda strange though I get a grilled steak topped with butter type of flavor from it. This my go to coffee to accompany breakfast in the morning. Flavor is intense and finish lasts forever!!!
November 24, 2020
This is a great option if you like honey processed coffees.
Tyler Gotowka
October 20, 2020
Very good taste at medium-dark, very smooth and flavorful.
Rob The Man
October 15, 2020
I am quite happily surprised. I acquired a new coffee roaster, and knew that there was great potential that several roasting batches would be undrinkable until I mastered the new hardware. Accordingly, I purchased 3 pounds of this coffee as it was very inexpensive. To my surprise, this coffee, albeit quite economical, is very good. If provides a nice aroma, and the flavor and body with a dark roast provide a good cup of coffee. I have been blending it with both Columbian and Nicaraguan beans, and it contributes nicely to the end brew.
October 7, 2020
I originally ordered a single pound then five more. I have been experimenting with the roasts and so far I prefer a City roast for the nutty flavor and slight acid. The Full City is also good but I have not gone darker yet.
September 15, 2020
I got this on special for I believe $4.25 for the pound, but even at regular price, it’s a great buy. It roasts up evenly to a light-medium roast in my Whirley-Pop. The chocolate taste comes through strong, and the sweet-orange notes are definitely there, but more subtle. It is extremely rich in flavor, and is a great representation of some of the great qualities of really decent Mexican coffee. I felt it stood up well to the stuff from Chiapas.
September 5, 2020
My first attempt at roasting was just barely a city roast and it tasted like a cup full of caramel. Either I'm a natural at this roasting thing, or this bean is just too good for mere mortals. Best cuppa jo I've ever had.
August 24, 2020
Took this to about 20 sec into 2nd crack. Even with less than a 24 hr post-roast I still enjoyed a very nice cup this morning. Very pleased. I've seen "smooth" mentioned a few times and have to agree. Looking forward to what comes out after a longer rest.
Nathan Johnson
July 22, 2020
This is a great bean. Size is big enough for easy roasting, even in basic home toaster set ups. Great body, perfect acidity. One of my favorite beans.
June 28, 2020
I love this coffee at medium dark it has a distinct nuttiness and boldness
David A Baird
June 12, 2020
I like the selection and the quality of the coffee and shipping was awesome. The coffee roasted great. My go to coffee bean supplier.
June 11, 2020
First and foremost this is the cleanest roasting coffee I have ever run through my roaster! Super blown away! On top of that it’s amazing and selling like CRAZY for me. Thanks for the beans...may be making the permanent switch to coffee bean corral.
June 6, 2020
my goodness. you just can't get any better for the money.
full city + and there you have it. heck, medium to medium+
will give you smiles..
Christian Alvarado
May 30, 2020
I love this coffee. My customers definitely love this coffee!!
I’ll roast it right past the second crack for amazing chocolate and Nutty notes. Defiantly best as a medium-dark roast. Not good as a light-light medium roast. I’ll let it rest for 1 day before drinking. Definitely a great cup of coffee. I find it personally best brewed as a French press or even a coffee pot.
May 24, 2020
Great flavor, smooth flavor right out the roaster.
May 23, 2020
Good price, fast shipping at a reasonable rate and excellent tasting coffee. A winning combination for sure!
May 12, 2020
I like this at a vienna roast. Ordered 5lbs and just came back to order some more!
April 14, 2020
My kind of coffee. Pleases my wife and myself. WOW!!!
April 11, 2020
Medium dark just as 2nd crack begins. Balanced cup. Chocolate and earthy tones. Definitely a fan.
Rick Counihan
April 1, 2020
Orders 5lbs of the Mexican Chiapas and I'm glad I did. Love this stuff. Great flavor, very smooth. Very drinkable.